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We're so pleased that you wish to continue your career with Clermont Hotel Group and are considering a move within the company.

Our company policy requires us to inform your current line manager of your application for a new role within the company. We therefore recommend that you have a conversation with your manager before you apply for a transfer.

We would prefer that you have been working for the company for at least 6 months before applying for an internal transfer. However if you have gained relevant experience in previous roles, then we are happy for you to continue.

Please note that the sections marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

The information you provide on the following application form will be used to assess your suitability for the specific role that you have applied for. Your information will also be stored in our Talent Bank and we may contact you with details of any further opportunities that we feel match your skills, experience or aspirations.

You are free at any time to remove your details from our database or update your profile but in any case, you can be rest assured that your information will only be used for our recruitment purposes. Clermont Hotel Group uses PeopleBank technology to handle online applications. Please see our Privacy Policy for further information about how we use and protect your information, including our use of cookies.

Once you have completed your application, an email will be sent to you to notify you of receipt.

Visit our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy

* Tick to confirm that you accept our Terms and Conditions.